Friday, March 28, 2014

Go language IntelliJ IDEA Plugin

Support for Go programming language.(see

Release notes for version 0.9.15
The plugin provides the following features:
  • Basic language parsing and highlighting
  • Code folding and Brace matching
  • Comment/Uncomment (Single/Multiple line) support
  • Go application file and library generation.
  • Auto completion of sdk package names and/or local application packages.
  • Compilation of the go applications (supported semantics are similar to those of gobuild)
  • Native plugin code formatter
  • GoTo class (go types) implementation
  • ColorsAndSettings page with a new color scheme
  • Completion/Resolution of vars/types/functions/structs/methods (works across some expression chains).
  • Refactorings: Introduce variable/constant
  • Inspections: Unused imports/variables/constants/parameters/symbols
  • Inspections: Validate the format param for the fmt.Print suite of functions
  • Inspections: Detect non constant expression used in constant declarations
  • Intentions: Invert if condition/Merge nested 'if's/Split into 2 'if's/Convert switch statement to if chain.
  • Intentions: Convert between interpreted string and raw string.
  • Intention: go get a package.
  • Intention: Add/Remove parentheses.
  • Intention: Move simple statement out.
  • Inspection: Validate that the package names in files are correct with respect of the folder name.
  • Documentation for functions, methods, variable, constants and types.
  • Function parameter information.
  • Ctrl+Shift+T to jump between source file and test file.
  • Navigation from stack trace in output panel.
  • Ctrl+Shift+Enter to add curly brackets for "func", "if" and "for" statements.
  • Live templates: "sout", "souf", "soutm" and "soutp".
  • Go aware imports optimizer and auto import generator
  • Import usage highlighting (and detecting of wrong imports)
  • Better Structure view
  • Automatically add new line at end of file
  • Force UTF-8 encoding for go files
  • Detection of bundled Go Sdk packages (useful when deployed as GoIde)
  • Run configuration creator (right click on a program file and you can run it).
  • Go SDK (Go 1.2 on linux/mac/windows)
  • Go module type
  • Go App engine sdk type
  • Go App engine credentials safe storage
  • Added go application wizard
  • Makefile based build system (bring your own Makefile). Experimental. Configured in project settings.
  • Always use tabs instead of spaces (but configurable if desired).
  • go fmt integration via Tools -> Go menu options (default CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F for file and CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+G for project)

Change Notes

Fix project creation in multiple IntelliJ products.


Plugin homepage


1.4 M    

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Software Management Tool Suggestions

Project Management
  • Jira (Altassian product)
  • Pivotal Tracker
  • Redmine
Used for story/requirement and defect tracking
Configuration Management
  • Puppet
  • Chef
There are a number of other configuration mgt software options, but Puppet and Chef are the best Ruby ones.
Continuous Integration
  • Bamboo (Altassian product)
  • Jenkins
Version Control
  • Git/github
Information Sharing
  • Confluence (Altassian product)
  • Google Apps
Dependency Management
  • Bundler

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Refactoring Legacy Code

You can't change it safely because it doesn't have tests...

...and you can't write tests without changing it to adequately support testing.

Code undergoing test-proven refactoring will begin to experience the benefits of new unit tests, and these benefits will incrementally make new tests easier to write.

Don't forget to create integration tests for verifying user story scenarios.

Ultimately, these efforts will make the legacy codebase more maintainable.

Stubs, Mocks, Fakes and Dummies

A “mock object”, or “mock”, is a specific kind of test double. It is an object used in a Unit Test which stands in for another object, and carries certain expectations about how what methods will be called, and how they will be called. If the expectations are not met, the test fails. By contrast, other test doubles, such as stubs objects, make no assertions about which methods will be called. The term “Mockist” refers to those programmers who use mock objects in their unit tests. There is another camp of programmers, called “Classicist” by Martin Fowler, who eschew mock objects entirely in their tests.


  • passed around but never actually used. Usually they are just used to fill parameter lists


  • have working implementations, but usually take some shortcut which makes them not suitable for production (an in memory database is a good example)

Stubs (classical unit testing)

  • make the SUT believe it's talking with its real collaborators
  • state verification
  • provide canned answers to calls
  • may also record information about calls, such as an email gateway stub that remembers the messages it 'sent', or maybe only how many messages it 'sent'
  • typically, you have to create not just the SUT but also all the collaborators that the SUT needs in response to the test
  • sometimes, alot of work goes into creating test fixtures, but they can be resused
  • cares about the final state - not how that state was derived
  • it's important to only think about what happens from the external interface and to leave all consideration of implementation until after you're done writing the test
  • stubs do not define behavior, just a return value
  • mainly useful when testing query methods that return a result and do not change the observable state of the system (are free of side effects)

Mocks (mockist/behavior driven testing)

  • make the SUT believe it's talking with its real collaborators
  • behavior verification
  • pre-programmed objects with expectations which form a specification of the calls they are expected to receive
  • typically, the SUT and mocks for its immediate collaborator objects
  • less fixture setup required, but mocks must be created every time
  • you are testing the outbound calls of the SUT to ensure it talks properly to its suppliers
  • Mockist tests are thus more coupled to the implementation of a method. Changing the nature of calls to collaborators usually cause a mockist test to break (This can be worsened by the nature of mock toolkits)
  • couples tests to implementation (changing the nature of calls to collaborators usually causes tests to break)
  • Coupling to the implementation interferes with refactoring, since implementation changes are much more likely to break tests than with classic testing
  • writing the test makes you think about the implementation of the behavior
  • must constantly think about how the SUT is going to be implemented in order to write the expectations
  • encourage behavior rich objects
  • Mocks act as a canary in coal mine: they are an early warning system that your code is beginning to depart from the path of small methods, each having a single responsibility, and each interacting with a very small set of collaborators
  • if you aren’t using tests to drive your design, there’s little point to using mock objects
  • Mock objects make more sense in an outside-in model of test-driven development
  • Mock objects enable developers to ferret out the needed interfaces of objects that don’t exist yet
  • The mocks you write while TDDing one layer of the design gives you the clues you need to work out the necessary responsibilities of the next layer down
  • mocks expect a certain method call, but define no return value
  • mainly useful when tesing command methods that change the state of a system but do not return a value


Stub Example

public interface MailService {
  public void send (Message msg);
public class MailServiceStub implements MailService {
  private List messages = new ArrayList();
  public void send (Message msg) {
  public int numberSent() {
    return messages.size();

We can then use state verification on the stub like this.

class OrderStateTester...
  public void testOrderSendsMailIfUnfilled() {
    Order order = new Order(TALISKER, 51);
    MailServiceStub mailer = new MailServiceStub();
    assertEquals(1, mailer.numberSent());

Mock Example

class OrderInteractionTester...
  public void testOrderSendsMailIfUnfilled() {
    Order order = new Order(TALISKER, 51);
    Mock warehouse = mock(Warehouse.class);
    Mock mailer = mock(MailService.class);
    order.setMailer((MailService) mailer.proxy());


    order.fill((Warehouse) warehouse.proxy());

Example Discussion

In both cases I'm using a test double instead of the real mail service. There is a difference in that the stub uses state verification while the mock uses behavior verification.

In order to use state verification on the stub, I need to make some extra methods on the stub to help with verification. As a result the stub implements MailService but adds extra test methods.

Mock objects always use behavior verification, a stub can go either way. The difference is in how exactly the double runs and verifies the results.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Better Design Yields Awesome Fast Tests

Before all the hype of Behavior Driven Development (BDD) and Test Driven Development (TDD), I had a lot of success with the following development technique:

  1. Create Unit Test to test Application (We'll take an API based application as our example.)
  2. Implement simple API
  3. Verify Unit Test works
  4. Add more tests and build Test Suite

I called an API and asserted that the state of response based on inputs.

That was in a compiled language.

Then I started developing in Ruby, which is a dynamic language.

I learned a few things:

  • Unit Tests are more important for Ruby than Java b/c a complied language will catch interface issues early
  • Integration Tests are more important when using mocks and stubs
  • Though coding is much more enjoyable in Ruby/Rails than Java, compilation time was replaced by the time it took to run the Rails test suite

BDD Testing Didn't Make Sense

I found that every time I wrote tests for a Rails app, I had to duplicate all the objects with mocks and stubs (and the tests still took too long).

While I still don't appreciate the fact that I must use a different DSL, rspec, (which is constantly changing) to implement effective tests, I have come to accept rspec as the lingua franca of test DSLs for Rails apps.

It's just annoying to not be able to use the more recent features of rspec when working on a legacy, at this time Rails 3.x app.

Things Get Better

Eventually, I learned to not only deal with the rigorous testing requirements, but to take that pain as an incentive to design better applications.

As you find things difficult to test, you should alter your design (not your tests).

Test First Development

Here, you alter the way to test to alleviate the pain, i.e., the time it takes to run your tests.

You use Spork or Zeus to speed up your testing environment.

Without such tools, running spec_helper takes too long.

With these tools, the test environment, e.g., the Rails environment, including database connections for ActiveRecord gets loaded in the background.

Test Driven Development

With TDD, you improve the way you design your application, which in turn makes your tests run faster.

Dependency Injection

DI allows us to mock all the time consuming operations and to isolate testing to the interface of the object under test.

This typically means that we'll keep not only our controllers thin, but also our models.

We'll introduce the use of Service Objects, with flexible initializers, making it easy to swap out the persistence logic.

We'll use mocks for testing and the real thing, e.g., ActiveRecord for production.

We'll avoid using datbase operations, and isolate ourselves from 3rd party APIs.

We'll Use a rather than a Factory.create to build in memory data relations.

Instead of running Spork or Zeus ask yourself, why does this take so long?

What is the biggest 3rd party thing I'm depending on? "Rails"

Escape from Rails Dependency

Use Ruby Mixins or Delegation.

Use Delegation when using a service is beneficial; Otherwise, use a Mixin.


Do This

  • Isolate your App from 3rd Party Frameworks and Libraries
  • Don't let controller actions talk to ActiveRecord (wrap calls to db or 3rd party libraries)
  • Use Controllers to route and pass data into something else (don't use Finders)
  • Use Cucumber (or some other integration test suite) to test for inclusion of modules
  • If its not an ActiveRecord model, then only call scopes or hand-built scopes (wrap to avoid hash construction conflicts)
  • Use Dependency Injection
  • Delegate quickly
  • Write your application in Ruby and let the Rails code call it

Get This

  • Easier Maintenance
  • Faster Tests
  • Higher Cohesion


Behavior Driven Design and Testing

Behavior Driven Design (BDD) and testing is appropriate for Object Oriented Programming (OOP).

When designing a system using OOP, focus on designing object interfaces and interactions/messages and behaviors.


  • Design how components components communicate (more than internal behaviors)
  • The meaning of the domain model (hence behavior) of a system is found in its messages
  • Change behavior of a system by object composition, rather than modifying internal logic
  • Encapsulate implementation using "tell don't ask" coding techniques
  • Rather than procedural getting info and making decisions from that to a telling based system
  • Hide internal state (allows you to build complex APIs that you don't need to know implementation of
  • See (and test) what objects do, not what it is
  • Assert on messages going between objects
  • Well designed objects do not know who they are talking to (only need to know their collaborators' Role

Single Responsibility Principle

  • An object should only have one reason to change

OOP Testing

  • When mocking Roles, TDD becomes a Design Process
  • Mock Roles (not objects)
  • When you assert on State you are Stubbing
  • Stubs return a value (and are never the focus of the test)
  • When you assert on Messages that go between Objects, you are Mocking
  • Use Mocks for OOP, not procedural code
  • Don't mock Boundary Objects
  • Let Integration Tests or Acceptance Tests handle boundary objects
  • Mock Peers (not internals)
  • Don't Mock or Stub implementation details
  • Use Stubs to avoid hitting a real server (ex: making 3rd party api call)
  • Test response state (ex: body of response) when object becomes complex
  • Generally, think in a Tell (don't Ask) style
  • Write some Integration tests to test hitting real server (to know if they broke the interface)
  • Mock objects verify the behavior of the system under test
  • Mock objects can have expectations (Stubs can't)
  • Mock objects' expectations form the specification of the calls they are expected to receive

OOP Testing Process

  • What is not internal to my object?
  • Come up with a Scenario that demonstrates Domain Logic of expected Behavior
  • What is the role that the collaborating object needs to play?
  • What behavior should I tell the collaborating object to do?
  • Assert on the message (not the state of an object)
  • Decide, What is inside and what is outside your object?


  • Decoupled/Loosely Coupled System
  • Strong Separation of Concerns
  • Tests respect code Encapsulation
  • Use Mock objects to define Interfaces
  • Ease Code Management/Changes over time
  • High level modules which define interfaces that lower level modules implement
  • "You have to implement this interface for me to use you to do this job." (Details depend on Abstractions)
  • Removal of Dependencies
  • Inversion of Control (objects created outside class in which they are used)
