$ npm install -g coffee-script
npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/coffee-script
npm http 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/coffee-script
npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/coffee-script/-/coffee-script-1.6.2.tgz
npm http 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/coffee-script/-/coffee-script-1.6.2.tgz
/usr/local/bin/coffee -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/coffee-script/bin/coffee
/usr/local/bin/cake -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/coffee-script/bin/cake
coffee-script@1.6.2 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/coffee-script
$ coffee -h
Usage: coffee [options] path/to/script.coffee -- [args]
If called without options, `coffee` will run your script.
-b, --bare compile without a top-level function wrapper
-c, --compile compile to JavaScript and save as .js files
-e, --eval pass a string from the command line as input
-h, --help display this help message
-i, --interactive run an interactive CoffeeScript REPL
-j, --join concatenate the source CoffeeScript before compiling
-l, --lint pipe the compiled JavaScript through JavaScript Lint
-m, --map generate source map and save as .map files
-n, --nodes print out the parse tree that the parser produces
--nodejs pass options directly to the "node" binary
-o, --output set the output directory for compiled JavaScript
-p, --print print out the compiled JavaScript
-s, --stdio listen for and compile scripts over stdio
-t, --tokens print out the tokens that the lexer/rewriter produce
-v, --version display the version number
-w, --watch watch scripts for changes and rerun commands
$ coffee
coffee> name = "Activities"
coffee> a = if name==\"Activities\" then true else false
repl:1:15: error: missing ", starting
a = if name==\"Activities\" then true else false
coffee> a = if name=="Activities" then true else false
Little Book on CoffeeScripthttp://dailyjs.com/2011/05/30/code-review-coffeescript/