Most folks run cucumber features in their entirety from the command line.
Have you ever wanted to run individual steps interactively?
I'll tell you how in this blog posting...
Install the crb
crb is an irb console for cucumber world.
gem install crb
crb Documentation
crb === An irb console for cucumber world Features ======== * Can define steps interactively * Can execute steps interactively like debugger * Can share cuke world and irb context in a same object * Can see instance variables of step files via irb * Supported hooks (but only before/after without parameters) * Supported World methods
Run crb
$ cd to_root_of_your_project
$ crb
irb(CRB:3):001:0> Given "I have entered 3"
Undefined step: "I have entered 3"
=> #<Cucumber::Undefined: Undefined step: "I have entered 3">
irb(CRB:3):002:0> Given "I have entered 3 into the calculator"
=> [3]
irb(CRB:3):005:0> Given "I have entered 5 into the calculator"
=> [3, 5]
irb(CRB:3):006:0> Then "I press add"
=> 8
irb(CRB:3):007:0> @calc
=> #<Calculator:0x007fa7da9d0768 @args=[3, 5]>
irb(CRB:3):008:0> @calc.push 1
=> [3, 5, 1]
irb(CRB:3):009:0> Then "I press add"
=> 9
irb(CRB:3):010:0> Then "I press divide"
=> 0.6
Project Files
Feature: Addition
In order to avoid silly mistakes
As a math idiot
I want to be told the sum of two numbers
Scenario Outline: Add two numbers
Given I have entered <input_1> into the calculator
And I have entered <input_2> into the calculator
When I press <button>
Then the result should be <output> on the screen
| input_1 | input_2 | button | output |
| 20 | 30 | add | 50 |
| 2 | 5 | add | 7 |
| 0 | 40 | add | 40 |
# encoding: utf-8
begin require 'rspec/expectations'; rescue LoadError; require 'spec/expectations'; end
require 'cucumber/formatter/unicode'
$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib')
require 'calculator'
Before do
@calc =
After do
Given /I have entered (\d+) into the calculator/ do |n|
@calc.push n.to_i
When /I press (\w+)/ do |op|
@result = @calc.send op
Then /the result should be (.*) on the screen/ do |result|
@result.should == result.to_f
class Calculator
def push(n)
@args ||= []
@args << n
def add
@args.inject(0){|n,sum| sum+=n}
def divide
@args[0].to_f / @args[1].to_f
readings were really very good. I will bookmark this blog so that I could often visit this blog often to read the latest article from your blog. I wait for your arrival at our website ...
ReplyDeletethanks, ...
By : android developer indonesia |
Dear Lex Sheehan,
ReplyDeletewhen i run crb, i have this error:
/usr/local/share/gems/gems/crb-1.0.1/lib/crb.rb:97:in `load_step_definitions': undefined method `support_to_load' for # (NoMethodError)
from /usr/local/share/gems/gems/crb-1.0.1/lib/crb.rb:103:in `execute!'
from /home/antonio/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/gems/cucumber-2.4.0/lib/cucumber/cli/main.rb:11:in `execute'
from /usr/local/share/gems/gems/crb-1.0.1/bin/crb:7:in `'
from /usr/local/bin/crb:23:in `load'
from /usr/local/bin/crb:23:in `'
can you help me?