Language | highlight code | Language | highlight code |
ABAP | abap | ActionScript | as |
ActionScript 3 | as3 | Ada | ada |
ANTLR | antlr | ANTLR With ActionScript Target | antlr-as |
ANTLR With C# Target | antlr-csharp | ANTLR With CPP Target | antlr-cpp |
ANTLR With Java Target | antlr-java | ANTLR With ObjectiveC Target | antlr-objc |
ANTLR With Perl Target | antlr-perl | ANTLR With Python Target | antlr-python |
ANTLR With Ruby Target | antlr-ruby | ApacheConf | apacheconf |
AppleScript | applescript | aspx-cs | aspx-cs |
aspx-vb | aspx-vb | Asymptote | asy |
Bash | bash | Bash Session | console |
Batchfile | bat | BBCode | bbcode |
Befunge | befunge | Boo | boo |
Brainfuck | brainfuck | C | c |
C# | csharp | C++ | cpp |
c-objdump | c-objdump | cfstatement | cfs |
Cheetah | cheetah | Clojure | clojure |
CMake | cmake | CoffeeScript | coffee-script |
Coldufsion HTML | cfm | Common Lisp | common-lisp |
cpp-objdump | cpp-objdump | CSS | css |
CSS+Django/Jinja | css+django | CSS+Genshi Text | css+genshitext |
CSS+Mako | css+mako | CSS+Myghty | css+myghty |
CSS+PHP | css+php | CSS+Ruby | css+erb |
CSS+Smarty | css+smarty | Cython | cython |
D | d | d-objdump | d-objdump |
Darcs Patch | dpatch | Debian Control file | control |
Debian Sourcelist | sourceslist | Delphi | delphi |
Diff | diff | Django/Jinja | django |
Dylan | dylan | Embedded Ragel | ragel-em |
ERB | erb | Erlang | erlang |
Erlang erl session | erl | Evoque | evoque |
Felix | felix | Fortran | fortran |
GAS | gas | Genshi | genshi |
Genshi Text | genshitext | Gettext Catalog | pot |
Gherkin | Cucumber | GLSL | glsl |
Gnuplot | gnuplot | Go | go |
Groff | groff | Haml | haml |
Haskell | haskell | haXe | hx |
HTML | html | HTML+Cheetah | html+cheetah |
HTML+Django/Jinja | html+django | HTML+Evoque | html+evoque |
HTML+Genshi | html+genshi | HTML+Mako | html+mako |
HTML+Myghty | html+myghty | HTML+PHP | html+php |
HTML+Smarty | html+smarty | INI | ini |
Io | io | IRC logs | irc |
Java | java | Java Server Page | jsp |
JavaScript | js | JavaScript+Cheetah | js+cheetah |
JavaScript+Django/Jinja | js+django | JavaScript+Genshi Text | js+genshitext |
JavaScript+Mako | js+mako | JavaScript+Myghty | js+myghty |
JavaScript+PHP | js+php | JavaScript+Ruby | js+erb |
JavaScript+Smarty | js+smarty | Lighttpd configuration file | lighty |
Literate Haskell | lhs | LLVM | llvm |
Logtalk | logtalk | Lua | lua |
Makefile | make | Makefile (basemake) | basemake |
Mako | mako | Matlab | matlab |
MiniD | minid | Modelica | modelica |
Modula-2 | modula2 | MoinMoin/Trac Wiki markup | trac-wiki |
MOOCode | moocode | MuPAD | mupad |
MXML | mxml | Myghty | myghty |
MySQL | mysql | NASM | nasm |
Newspeak | newspeak | Nginx configuration file | nginx |
NumPy | numpy | objdump | objdump |
Objective-C | objective-c | Objective-J | objective-j |
OCaml | ocaml | Ooc | ooc |
Perl | perl | PHP | php |
POVRay | pov | Prolog | prolog |
Python | python | Python 3 | python3 |
Python 3.0 Traceback | py3tb | Python console session | pycon |
Python Traceback | pytb | Raw token data | raw |
RConsole | rconsole | REBOL | rebol |
Redcode | redcode | reStructuredText | rst |
RHTML | rhtml | Ruby | rb |
Ruby irb session | rbcon | S | splus |
Sass | sass | Scala | scala |
Scheme | scheme | Smalltalk | smalltalk |
Smarty | smarty | SQL | sql |
sqlite3con | sqlite3 | SquidConf | squidconf |
Tcl | tcl | Tcsh | tcsh |
TeX | tex | Text only | text |
Vala | vala | | |
VimL | vim | XML | xml |
XML+Cheetah | xml+cheetah | XML+Django/Jinja | xml+django |
XML+Evoque | xml+evoque | XML+Mako | xml+mako |
XML+Myghty | xml+myghty | XML+PHP | xml+php |
XML+Ruby | xml+erb | XML+Smarty | xml+smarty |
XSLT | xslt | YAML | yaml |
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Saturday, July 19, 2014
Markdown Highlighter Languages
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Custom OO Golang Error Handling
Find this article and more at Golang Code Examples
This golang code sample demonstrates the following go language features:
This example shows how to create a base class *** that provides consistency in error logging.
(***) Go uses structs and associated methods which provides the same functionality as a classical "class" with it's internal methods in Object Oriented (OO) programing.
You can then create error subclasses that have custom behaviors, e.g., emailing admins or sending a text message to a manager.
Having consistent error logging patterns become valuable when you use log analysis tools like Splunk.
The fmt package functions automatically call the Error() function when asked to print an error.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
This golang code sample demonstrates the following go language features:
- switch statement
- classes (struct + methods)
- variadic function
- include timestamp in error message
- custom error type
- inherit behavior from base class using embedded struct
This example shows how to create a base class *** that provides consistency in error logging.
(***) Go uses structs and associated methods which provides the same functionality as a classical "class" with it's internal methods in Object Oriented (OO) programing.
You can then create error subclasses that have custom behaviors, e.g., emailing admins or sending a text message to a manager.
Having consistent error logging patterns become valuable when you use log analysis tools like Splunk.
Code Example
package main
import (
type Err struct {
errNo int
when time.Time
msg string
func (e *Err) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v [%d] %s", e.when, e.errNo, e.msg)
func (err Err) errorNumber() int {
return err.errNo
type ErrWidget_A struct {
Err // Err is an embedded struct - ErrWidget_A inherits it's data and behavior
// a behavior only available for the ErrWidget_A
func (e ErrWidget_A) Error() string {
fmt.Println("do special ErrWidget_A thing...")
return fmt.Sprintf("%s [%d] %s", e.when, e.errNo, e.msg)
// a behavior only available for the ErrWidget_A
func (e ErrWidget_A) optionalErrHandlingOperation() {
fmt.Println("Email the admins...\n")
type ErrWidget_B struct {
Err // Err is an embedded struct - ErrWidget_B inherits it's data and behavior
// a behavior only available for the Widget_B
func (e ErrWidget_B) Error() string {
fmt.Println("do special Widget_B thing...")
return fmt.Sprintf("%s [%d] %s", e.when, e.errNo, e.msg)
// a behavior only available for the Widget_B
func (e ErrWidget_B) optionalErrHandlingOperation() {
fmt.Println("SMS operations manager...\n")
func run() error {
return &Err{
"generic error occurred\n",
func run2() *ErrWidget_B {
errB := new(ErrWidget_B)
errB.errNo = 6001
errB.when = time.Now()
errB.msg = "Widget_B error occurred"
return errB
func RunWidget(modelNo int) (string, error) {
// Run valid widgets
switch modelNo {
case 1:
return fmt.Sprintf("run widget model %d", modelNo), nil
case 2:
return fmt.Sprintf("run widget model %d", modelNo), nil
// Error condition - unknown widget model number
errA := new(ErrWidget_A)
errA.errNo = 5002
errA.when = time.Now()
errA.msg = "Widget_A error occurred"
return fmt.Sprintf("unable to run unknown model %d", modelNo), errA
// Split multiple (variadic) return values into a slice of values
// in this case, where [0] = value and [1] = the error message
func split(args ...interface{}) []interface{} {
return args
func main() {
// Execute RunWidget function and handle error if necessary
msg := ""
// RunWidget(1) succeeds
x := split(RunWidget(1))
msg = "\n\n"; if x[1] != nil {msg = fmt.Sprintf(", err(%v)\n\n", x[1])}
fmt.Printf("RunWidget(1) => result(%s)" + msg, x[0])
// RunWidget(2) succeeds
x = split(RunWidget(2))
msg = "\n\n"; if x[1] != nil {msg = fmt.Sprintf(", err(%v)\n\n", x[1])}
fmt.Printf("RunWidget(2) => result(%s)" + msg, x[0])
// RunWidget(666) fails -
x = split(RunWidget(666))
msg = "\n\n"; if x[1] != nil {msg = fmt.Sprintf(", err(%v)\n\n", x[1])}
fmt.Printf("RunWidget(666) => result(%s)" + msg, x[0])
// Throw generic custom error type and handle it
if err := run(); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) }
// Throw ErrWidget_B error and handle it by printing and running optional custom behavior
widget_B_error := run2(); if widget_B_error.errNo != 0 {
timeNow := time.Now()
// Create and print ErrWidget_A, then call custom behavior
a := ErrWidget_A {Err{5001, timeNow, "test"}}
fmt.Println(a) // fmt will execute Error() method that can have special behavior
fmt.Println("A ErrWidget_A has this error number: ", a.errorNumber())
a.optionalErrHandlingOperation() // Widget_A emails admins
// Create ErrWidget_B, then call custom behavior
b := ErrWidget_B {Err{6001, timeNow, "test"}}
fmt.Println("A ErrWidget_B has this error number: ", b.errorNumber())
b.optionalErrHandlingOperation() // Widget_B sends SMS message to managers
// Since b was not printed by fmt, the special ErrWidget_B behavior is not triggered
RunWidget(1) => result(run widget model 1)
RunWidget(2) => result(run widget model 2)
do special ErrWidget_A thing...
RunWidget(666) => result(unable to run unknown model 666), err(2014-07-15 23:58:29.852925228 -0400 EDT [5002] Widget_A error occurred)
2014-07-15 23:58:29.853084372 -0400 EDT [8001] generic error occurred
do special Widget_B thing...
2014-07-15 23:58:29.853095357 -0400 EDT [6001] Widget_B error occurred
do special ErrWidget_A thing...
2014-07-15 23:58:29.853106552 -0400 EDT [5001] test
A ErrWidget_A has this error number: 5001
Email the admins...
A ErrWidget_B has this error number: 6001
SMS operations manager...
Process finished with exit code 0
In Go, an error is something that implements an Error() function that returns a string. Here's the predefined, built-in interface type error:
type error interface {
Error() string
The fmt package functions automatically call the Error() function when asked to print an error.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
OO Example in Golang
Find this article and more at Golang Code Examples
This golang code sample demonstrates the following go language features:
Golang does not use a class keyword but is none-the-less object oriented.
Methods and interfaces are the language constructs that define objects and their behavior.
There is no explicit implementation inheritance; However, type embedding can be used for the same purpose.
Golang includes very little ceremony in order to provide language features.
By adding a receiver to a function definition, Golang allows you to associate that method with a structure, whereby you can use the "." operator to call the associated method.
Golang does not have a self or this keyword to reference to the current instance. In the method example of func (c *Circle) area() float64 the receiver struct is named "c". Use that variable name, rather than this to refer to the current instance.
Golang uses signature based polymorphism; If a struct, in the example above, implements an area method that returns a float64, then it is a Shape.
This is what some call "Duck Typing" meaning, "If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck then it must be a duck."
In our case, if the struct implements the area method then it is a Shape type struct.
You can define a method on any type you define in your package, not just a struct.
You cannot define a method on a type from another package, or on a basic type.
Methods can be associated with a named type func drawShape(d Drawer) or a pointer to a named type func (c *Circle) area() float64.
Benefits of using a pointer receiver:
Golang is a statically typed language, which has some significant benefits over dynamic languages like:
A few important Golang topics not discussed in this post include closures, concurrency, error handling and testing.
A more notable exclusion is lack of mention of Embedding. which is an OO technique used by Go to inherit/embed the implementation from another class.
Go does not use the class keyword, but I refer to a Go class as a struct and it's associated methods, which combined encapsulates the properties and behavior of a "class" of objects.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
This golang code sample demonstrates the following go language features:
- string and float64 data types
- constants
- variables with initializers
- iterating ranges
- slices
- encapsulation / visibility
- variadic functions
- new function
- pointers
- structs / struct literals
- methods
- multiple implicit interfaces
- signature based polymorphism
Code Example
package main // Executable commands must always use package main.
import (
"fmt" // fmt.Println formats output to console
"math" // provides math.Sqrt function
// ----------------------
// Shape interface
// ----------------------
// Shape interface defines a method set (consisting of the area method)
type Shape interface {
area() float64 // any type that implements an area method is considered a Shape
// Calculate total area of all shapes via polymorphism (all shapes implement the area method)
func totalArea(shapes ...Shape) float64 { // Use interface type as as function argument
var area float64 // "..." makes shapes "variadic" (can send one or more)
for _, s := range shapes {
area += s.area() // the current Shape implements/receives the area method
} // go passes the pointer to the shape to the area method
return area
// ----------------------
// Drawer interface
// ----------------------
type Drawer interface {
draw() // does not return a type
func drawShape(d Drawer) { // associate this method with the Drawer interface
// ----------------------
// Circle Type
// ----------------------
type Circle struct { // Since "Circle" is capitalized, it is visible outside this package
x, y, r float64 // a Circle struct is a collection of fields: x, y, r
// Circle implements Shape interface b/c it has an area method
// area is a method, which is special type of function that is associated with the Circle struct
// The Circle struct becomes the "receiver" of this method, so we can use the "." operator
func (c *Circle) area() float64 { // dereference Circle type (data pointed to by c)
return math.Pi * c.r * c.r // Pi is a constant in the math package
func (c Circle) draw() {
fmt.Println("Circle drawing with radius: ", c.r) // encapsulated draw implementation for Circle type
// ----------------------
// Rectangle Type
// ----------------------
type Rectangle struct { // a struct contains named fields of data
x1, y1, x2, y2 float64 // define multiple fields with same data type on one line
func distance(x1, y1, x2, y2 float64) float64 { // lowercase functin name visible only in this package
a := x2 - x1
b := y2 - y1
return math.Sqrt(a * a + b * b)
// Rectangle implements Shape interface b/c it has an area method
func (r *Rectangle) area() float64 { // "r" is passed by reference
l := distance(r.x1, r.y1, r.x1, r.y2) // define and assign local variable "l"
w := distance(r.x1, r.y1, r.x2, r.y1) // l and w only available within scope of area function
return l * w
func (r Rectangle) draw() { // "r" is passed by value
fmt.Printf("Rectangle drawing with point1: (%f, %f) and point2: (%f, %f)\n", r.x1, r.y1, r.x2, r.y2)
// ----------------------
// MultiShape Type
// ----------------------
type MultiShape struct {
shapes []Shape // shapes field is a slice of interfaces
func (m *MultiShape) area() float64 {
var area float64
for _, shape := range m.shapes { // iterate through shapes ("_" indicates that index is not used)
area += shape.area() // execute polymorphic area method for this shape
return area
func main() {
c := Circle{0, 0, 5} // initialize new instance of Circle type by field order "struct literal"
// The new function allocates memory for all fields, sets each to their zero value and returns a pointer
c2 := new(Circle) // c2 is a pointer to the instantiated Circle type
c2.x = 0; c2.y = 0; c2.r = 10 // initialize data with multiple statements on one line
fmt.Println("Circle Area:", totalArea(&c)) // pass address of circle (c)
fmt.Println("Circle2 Area:", totalArea(c2)) // c2 was defined using built-in new function
r := Rectangle{x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 5, y2: 5} // "struct literal" rectangle (r) initialized by field name
fmt.Println("Rectangle Area:", totalArea(&r)) // pass address of rectangle (r)
fmt.Println("Rectangle + Circle Area:", totalArea(&c, c2, &r)) // can pass multiple shapes
m := MultiShape{[]Shape{&r, &c, c2}} // pass slice of shapes
fmt.Println("Multishape Area:", totalArea(&m)) // calculate total area of all shapes
fmt.Println("Area Totals:", totalArea(&c, c2, &r)) // c2 is a pointer to a circle, &c and &r are addresses of shapes
fmt.Println("2 X Area Totals:", totalArea(&c, c2, &r, &m)) // twice the size of all areas
drawShape(c) // execute polymorphic method call
Circle Area: 78.53981633974483
Circle2 Area: 314.1592653589793
Rectangle Area: 25
Rectangle + Circle Area: 417.69908169872417
Multishape Area: 417.69908169872417
Area Totals: 417.69908169872417
2 X Area Totals: 835.3981633974483
Circle drawing with radius: 5
Circle drawing with radius: 10
Rectangle drawing with point1: (0.000000, 0.000000) and point2: (5.000000, 5.000000)
Process finished with exit code 0
Nearly every line of this code example is documented; Scroll to the right to see all of the comments. This code example shows how to implement a solution using object oriented techniques in Golang.Golang does not use a class keyword but is none-the-less object oriented.
Methods and interfaces are the language constructs that define objects and their behavior.
There is no explicit implementation inheritance; However, type embedding can be used for the same purpose.
Golang includes very little ceremony in order to provide language features.
- no semi-colons at end of each statement
- little declaration required - golang performs implicit type conversion and eliminates need for var keyword with ":=" operator
- visibility and encapsulation - Some languages require you to use public, private, friend, etc. keywords. Golang simply looks for capitalization of function/struct names.
- A type implements an interface by implementing the methods - Some languages require explicit declaration of intent; You don't have to find every interface implementation and label it with the new interface name.
By adding a receiver to a function definition, Golang allows you to associate that method with a structure, whereby you can use the "." operator to call the associated method.
Golang does not have a self or this keyword to reference to the current instance. In the method example of func (c *Circle) area() float64 the receiver struct is named "c". Use that variable name, rather than this to refer to the current instance.
Golang uses signature based polymorphism; If a struct, in the example above, implements an area method that returns a float64, then it is a Shape.
This is what some call "Duck Typing" meaning, "If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck then it must be a duck."
In our case, if the struct implements the area method then it is a Shape type struct.
You can define a method on any type you define in your package, not just a struct.
You cannot define a method on a type from another package, or on a basic type.
Methods can be associated with a named type func drawShape(d Drawer) or a pointer to a named type func (c *Circle) area() float64.
Benefits of using a pointer receiver:
- Avoid copying value of parameter on each method call
- Allow method to modify the value that its receiver points to
Golang is a statically typed language, which has some significant benefits over dynamic languages like:
- Compiler catches errors that could be otherwise hard to find runtime errors
- Better documentation via type signatures that include type of arguments
- Better error reporting, sooner. Compiler will report line number and indicate exactly what caused the bug.
- Code runs faster
A few important Golang topics not discussed in this post include closures, concurrency, error handling and testing.
A more notable exclusion is lack of mention of Embedding. which is an OO technique used by Go to inherit/embed the implementation from another class.
Go does not use the class keyword, but I refer to a Go class as a struct and it's associated methods, which combined encapsulates the properties and behavior of a "class" of objects.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Monday, July 7, 2014
Run Second Yeoman Webapp Simultaneously
When you generate a webapp using Yeoman its default connection port is 9000 and its default livereload port is 35729.
If you generated a second webapp using yo webapp and want to run it at the same time as the first one, you must change its connection port and livereload port.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
If you generated a second webapp using yo webapp and want to run it at the same time as the first one, you must change its connection port and livereload port.
Change the connection port to 9001 and livereload port to 35731
Change Connection Port and Livereload Port
connect: {
options: {
port: 9001,
open: true,
livereload: 35731,
// Change this to '' to access the server from outside
hostname: 'localhost'
Change Livereload Port
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var defaults = { port: 35731 };
Port Numbers
You can specify any port numbers in the range 1 to 65535. Note that on Mac/OSX and UNIX systems port numbers below 1024 will most likely require root access to be set.This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Install godoc
$ go install
Verify Installation
$ godoc fmt Println
func Println(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
Println formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to
standard output. Spaces are always added between operands and a newline
is appended. It returns the number of bytes written and any write error
Compilation Errors?
If you see errors like the following when running the go install command...darwin amd64 go1.2.1 X:none] expected [darwin amd64 go1.2.2 X:none
... Then, you probably have go object files laying around that were compiled under an older version of go.
So, delete them:
$ echo $GOPATH
$ rm -rf $GOPATH/{bin,pkg}
... Now, re-run your go install command.
Before running the rm -rf command always be careful and verify what you are doing.Command Not Found
In go 1.2.x, godoc is installed in $GOROOT/bin. So, if you installed Go through Homebrew your GOROOT will be in your /usr/local/Cellar/go/<VERISION>/libexec directory, so it add that to your $PATH.~/.bashrc
Configure GOROOT, GOPATH and PATH in ~/.bashrc
export GOPATH=$HOME/dev/go
export GOROOT=`go env GOROOT`
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
References work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Golang Development via IDE
I use two golang development environments.
For a more complete list see:
The Golang plugin only works with IntelliJ.
Fortunately, there is a free "Community" version available here:
Install the go-language-intellij-idea-plugin from the menu:
IntelliJ IDEA (main menu) > Preferences ... > Plugins
Click "Install JetBrains plugin..." and enter golang as the search term
Then, click the install button for the go-language-intellij-idea-plugin
Download latest build from: go-lang-plugin-org/go-lang-idea-plugin
You'll also need to set the Go SDK in the File > Project Structure > Dependencies
Click New... and the path of the desired Go runtime, e.g., /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.4/libexec
If you see red warnings with messages that say something like, "cannot find declaration to go to", then from the menu: File > Invalidate Caches / Restart...
Your go version may be different.
You can also put this in other startup files, but I prefer ~/.bashrc
Create the file if it does not already exist.
Enable launchctl settings without rebooting:
Enable launchctl settings if you start IntelliJ from spotlight.
If you start IntelliJ from the command line, this won't be necessary.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
- Text Editor (Sublime)
- Golang IDE (IntelliJ)
Golang IDE Honorable Mentions
Other Golang Dev IDEs include:- Atom + the go-plus package
- Vim with the vim-go plugin
- Vim with syntastic
- Vim with dotfiles
- Gnu/Emacs
- emacs + go-mode
- LiteIDE
- godev
- emacs
- goconvey
Text Editor
I use Sublime Text + GoSublime for my golang text editor.Golang IDE
I use Jetbrains tools for a lot of reasons. Here are a few:- Go application compilation
- Syntax highlighting
- Auto-completion
- Declaration navigation
For a more complete list see:
The Golang plugin only works with IntelliJ.
Fortunately, there is a free "Community" version available here:
Install the go-language-intellij-idea-plugin from the menu:
IntelliJ IDEA (main menu) > Preferences ... > Plugins
Click "Install JetBrains plugin..." and enter golang as the search term
Then, click the install button for the go-language-intellij-idea-plugin
Download latest build from: go-lang-plugin-org/go-lang-idea-plugin
You'll also need to set the Go SDK in the File > Project Structure > Dependencies
Click New... and the path of the desired Go runtime, e.g., /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.4/libexec
Declaration Navigation Broken?
If you see red warnings with messages that say something like, "cannot find declaration to go to", then from the menu: File > Invalidate Caches / Restart...
Tips on Configuring Your Go Development Environment
Install Go
Before you begin working with Go, use Homebrew to install it.
$ brew install go
$ go version
go version go1.2.2 darwin/amd64
Your go version may be different.
Configure GOROOT, GOPATH and PATH in ~/.bashrcYou can also put this in other startup files, but I prefer ~/.bashrc
export GOPATH=$HOME/dev/go
export GOROOT=`go env GOROOT`
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
Homebrew Version
If you used Homebrew to install go, then GOROOT must end in "libexec"; Otherwise, you'll get errors like this:
~/dev/go/samples/src/ $ go install
hello.go:4:3: cannot find package "fmt" in any of:
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.2.2/src/pkg/fmt (from $GOROOT)
/Users/lex/dev/go/samples/src/fmt (from $GOPATH)
imports runtime: cannot find package "runtime" in any of:
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.2.2/src/pkg/runtime (from $GOROOT)
/Users/lex/dev/go/samples/src/runtime (from $GOPATH)
Configure GOROOT and GOPATH in /etc/launchd.confCreate the file if it does not already exist.
Enable launchctl settings without rebooting:
$ launchctl setenv GOROOT $GOROOT
$ launchctl setenv GOPATH $GOPATH
Enable launchctl settings if you start IntelliJ from spotlight.
If you start IntelliJ from the command line, this won't be necessary.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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